Today marks 32 weeks gestation; it feels good to hit this milestone! The past 4 weeks have gone by quickly; I remember feeling the same sense of relief at 28 weeks and that seems like yesterday.
I had a dream last night that I was able to go home for a few weeks. It was one of those 'real' dreams and I was so excited in it. When I woke up, I thought to myself, 'well, maybe it could happen.' Wishful thinking, I guess?
My dream was quickly squashed after my doctor examined me mid-morning. He said, "I know you had that dream, but you're not going anywhere. You're 100% effaced; you have absolutely no cervix left." I am not dilated, but only because the cerclage is holding it closed. We're leaving the stitch in place for now. He told me today that he did think I will have some blood if it starts to pull---so we're watching closely for that. Hopefully, we'll make it another week or two. Basically, when the stitch has to come out, so does the baby.
God knows the exact day Cydney will come and that's the perfect day for her birth. He has given me a peace that things will be okay. When I called to tell Chris the update, he reminded me that there is no need to worry--and that I should enjoy these last few hours/days/weeks of pregnancy. And, that is what I'm going to do---enjoy being pregnant and get LOTS of sleep while I can. I'll consider these last few days/weeks my 'rest vacation' before I have a toddler and newborn at home!
But, at least Coy has started helping around the house--- anyone need a precious 19 month old to deep clean their carpets? =) Thanks for all your continued love and support. We are so blessed by you. We will continue to take things day to day. I promise to keep you updated if anything changes suddenly. =)
Unspeakable Joy - 11 months old
14 years ago
Congrats Ann Marie on 32 weeks!!! That is just so fantastic, I am so happy for you! Sorry to hear about your "cervical situation"... I hope it stays put for a couple more weeks (or more) too! Thank God for the cerclage! I'll be thinking about you... Enjoy the rest now while you can! Take care!
Yeah for 32 weeks! You have hit a great milestone for Cydney and we are so excited for you guys. You are both in God's hands, and that is the best you could ask for.
Ella and Aaron's arrival surprised us at 33 weekes 3 days and their NICU stay was not bad at 22 days. Four weeks after their birth my friend and water aerobics buddy delivered her twins at 30 weeks and they only stayed 20 days in the NICU (never even needing CPAP). Like Cydney these babies received the meds to help their lungs mature while my friend was in the hospital on bedrest.
May you continue to carry Cydney as long as possible. May you find peace knowing how far you have both come.
Holly (Kolkhorst),Paul, Luke, Ella and Aaron Hawryluk
I am so overjoyed that you are 32 weeks. What a milestone! So happy for you.
you've done AMAZING and i'm impressed. you give me hope! praying you still have 4 weeks left to "cook" baby girl but also thankful you are past the huge milestone of 34 weeks!!
Wow!!! I think Ryan and Coy could be best friends. Ryan LOVES vacuums. LOL. I'm still praying for you and little miss Cydney, too
Coy is precious!! Jay always loved to play with the vacuum, and he loves to vacuume to this day!! Still praying for you, and Cydney!!!
Lots of love,
Ann Marie-
Looks like the time is getting close for that precious one to make her appearance so I guess I need to get on the ball and decide what I was going to make her!!
Hold on Cydney- I am getting it done!
Blessing Ann Marie- May our Lord be with you!
Angie in Northeast Houston.
We'll be praying for you!
wow! 32 weeks! keep on cookin that baby girl! :o)
Ann Marie,
Don't know how I got to your blog, but have been following for a few weeks. Congrats on 32 weeks!
Just wanted to let you know that I had a similar situation. Cerclage placed at 18 weeks, hospitalized for a week, home on strict bedrest for 3 weeks and then back to the hospital for weeks 22-34. I never thought that cerclage would hold that whole time. I had no cervix from week 18-it could not be measured because there was nothing left but that cerclage holding it closed. I ended up being induced at 34 weeks due to intrauterine growth restriction of my twin boys. I thought the boys would pop right out once the cerclage was removed. Not so. I dilated to 3 pretty quickly, but then needed pitocin for 12 hours before it was decided to do a c-section. The cerclage built up scar tissue on my cervix, which made it unable to dilate. I could not believe that, after so many weeks of fearing that I would dilate with the cerclage still in. I know I could have gone further in the pregnancy if my boys would have been able to tolerate it longer.
You are amazing and I look forward to continue to follow your story.
Happy 4th of July just checking in to see how too 2 are?!
Dude - That's sooooo awesome that you've come so far! My friend that I've mentioned several times who made it to 35 weeks with her 3rd had her 2nd at 32 weeks and she was only a 6 day NICU stay. What am I saying.....any NICU stay is too long, but you get my drift.
Girl, I am praying for you every single day. You're doing so great. Coy looks so much like his daddy in that picture. Adorable!
You are amazing! You are going to have a BIG healthy girl soon!
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