Wow, we've been busy...and I've had no time to blog! Sorry, sorry, sorry!
We are still doing awesome and I'm still enjoying my freedom. Coy is being a great big brother and loves to help mommy take care of Cydney. Yesterday he helped give her a bath (well, sort of) and he loves to go into her room. Of course, he takes all her blankets out of the drawer and throws them into the hallway, but hey, he still likes to go in there. =)
Coy is doing great in therapy and really developing. He is making more sounds and learning signs. His absolute favorite DVD is Signing Time---I think we watch it 15 times per day. He stands and dances to the songs; it's so precious. We are working hard at getting him to finish a 'task' (reading a book, playing with a toy, doing a puzzle) before moving on to another. We're also working on building his confidence and independence in therapy. He's been running over to me and wanting me to hold him during his sessions. For the past week, the therapists have me sit in a corner of the room and tell him to "go play" but I'm not suppose to say or do anything else. They say this gives him the 'okay' to go play and I'll be waiting for him when he's done. He's doing better and he actually went back to the playroom with the therapist all by himself last week---and I didn't hear any crying for about 15 minutes. Whoohoo, go Coy!
Our biggest challenge with him still remains the sleep issue. He has decided that he no longer wants to take a nap during the day and has mastered the skill of climbing out of the crib (twice). The therapist told me to change him to a toddler bed, however, he Pedi told me to buy a crib tent. Any advice? Anyone know how to get a 21 month old to sleep in their crib that they hate? Coy doesn't sleep all day and Cydney doesn't sleep at night---y'all I'm at the point that I think I will NEVER sleep again.
Cydney is still our little nocturnal baby. Although, she has been staying awake more during the day and looking around at her surroundings. She was started on Prevacid because her spit-up was hurting her---stiffness, screaming, then out would come the spit up. It's not much, but it was definitely hurting her. I've been nursing her since last week (with a few bottles here & there). I had just about given up on it because I was so use to just pumping and giving her a bottle, but my mom really pushed me to try it again. She's done great---latches on and eats for 20-30 minutes. It is hard for me to not know how much she's actually getting---but I guess she's getting enough because she falls asleep and wakes up 2-3 hours later to eat again. Also, she weighed 6lbs 12.5 oz yesterday---so she's gaining weight.
That's all I can think of for now. Here are a few pictures from the past week...
Thanks for all your love & prayers. We wouldn't be here without you.
Coy and his adorable friend and our neighbor, Chase... Will, Chase, Chris, and Coy went to get there hunting licenses together... (Their shirts say "Daddy's Little Hunting Buddy")
Unloading my Tupperware drawer...
Unspeakable Joy - 11 months old
14 years ago
I so feel your pain about kids not wanting to sleep at night. It wasn't until Hank was 3 1/2 before he EVER slept thru the night! Right when Jace was born hank finally started, after we put child proof handles on the INSIDE of his bedroom door so he couldn't open it and come out. That only lasted about a week before he figured them out. ha! Eventually we started cutting his naps shorter and he would sleep better at night. We had to move Hank to a toddler bed due to him crawling out of his crib too, so we got him the Step 2 Firetruck bed to make it "fun and exciting" and he couldn't roll out b/c it had higher sides than most. He loved it! As for Jace, he is trying to give up naps now, but when he DOESN't nap he stays up later and doesn't sleep as good. Thankfully with Hank being in school now, we are getting up WAY earlier so Jace is tired and WANTS to nap most of the time. Every child is different and I'm sure with preemies it's even harder to figure out what to expect from them. Don't worry about Coy not finishing a task before starting others.... Hank is 5 1/2 and he doesn't do anything longer than 10 minutes!! Lol... sad to say it's just BOYS! =) ha!
I love the picture of Coy resting his head on Cydney's!!! Oh, Jay never finishes anything either, and he would not do anything without me holding his hand until he was about 2 1/5. If we were somewhere new or there were "new" people around for get it, I had to carry him or he was hiding between/behind my legs!! My dad used to tell him "You can't go back, once your out that's it". Now he is one of the most independent kiddos out there. Glad you updated! Loved seeing the pictures!!!
Ann-Marie - I haven't encountered a toddler who climbs or crawls out of bed for naptime but I have this book by Dr. Ferber called "Solve your Child's Sleep Problems" and it covers infancy till the teenage years. I used it on Julian and just recently for Max. It does work and he's an MD from Harvard. Opposite of Dr. Sears but hey, I'm more practical then touchy-feely.
Cute pictures!! Glad to hear that she is nursing!! :)
Great pix, Anne Marie! I especially love the ones of Coy holding Cydney! I wish I had some words of wisdom to you about the sleeping issue, but I had trouble with Chris until he was in kindergarten and soccer. He was so worn out at the end of the day that he finally slept in his own bed and stayed alseep. :) You're doing such a great job and your kiddos are thriving. I know this too shall pass! You're still all in my prayers. Love, Vicki
I have wanted to post a comment all week but I just haven't found the time! Loved, loved, loved this post because your experience reminds me of my own so much. When Michael was the same age as Coy, I would have to sit in the therapy room too with a newborn and it is a lot of work. Kudos to you and all your hard work. Your kids are absolutely adorable!
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