Coy is just a delight. I love playing with him all day. Every time I wake up and see his sweet face, I just melt. I really can't wrap my brain around how amazing he is. His laugh and smile are the cutest thing ever. He's my everything.
(He is looking so mature these days! Where did my baby go?)This week has been harder than most for me. I think because I'm a little tired and when I'm tired, I don't deal with life that well. I'm that girl who needs AT LEAST 8 hours of sleep. In college, I would come home between classes and nap. I love naps and I can sleep at anytime. Love it.
On Tuesday, Coy had his 3 month Cardiology visit. I really like his Cardiologist, she is very approachable and caring. He needed a routine EKG, Echocardiogram, and Holter (which we still to need to do). The EKG took no time at all to complete and looks the same (which is good). The Echo (which is basically an ultrasound of the heart) was a bit more complex. It seems that they give babies a "sedative" when they have an Echo that "relaxes them a bit." Hmmm. I didn't like the sound of that. My sweet boy did not respond well to anesthesia before, and although this wouldn't even compare, I was not comfortable with him getting a medication to "help him relax." There was something in my gut that just said "NO, don't do it!" The Echo tech and nurses were getting kinda frustrated with me when Coy wasn't cooperating, and I really hate to be "one of those parents," but I just couldn't shake my bad feeling. So, after about 10 minutes, Coy finally fell asleep in Grams Cook's arm and the tech completed his Echo without any problems. The doctor looked at the results and said everything looked good. His pulmonary pressures were good (preemies have high risk at developing Pulmonary Hypertension). He will not need another Echo until he's 4 years old! Yeah!
Yesterday, Coy had his monthly evaluation with his PT (physical therapist). She is amazing and full of tons of knowledge. She has lots of experience working with preemies and is just a blessing in our lives. The last two evaluations have brought lots of positive findings and encouragement. Yesterday, however, there was some concern coming from our sweet PT. She said he's still doing "very, very well" for a baby born so premature, however, there are a few things we need to be working on. His muscle tone was tighter than it had been previously. She said this is something to "watch." He also didn't roll well yesterday and was very grumpy. He never really cries while playing with her, but yesterday, he wasn't really feeling it. So, I left kinda discouraged. He is still in the 50% skill level for his corrected age, which is good news. We are going to work really hard, and hopefully, we'll get a better evaluation next month!
Coy is now taking two meals of cereal and 5 bottles (4-6 oz) of formula a day. We do breakfast and then a mid-afternoon meal of cereal. He is eating like a champ and we have a good time. I am thanking God for this daily!
(His morning stretch...) That is all I can think of for now....thanks for all your love and support!
Unspeakable Joy - 11 months old
14 years ago
Wow, he is really growing. I have loved following your journey. You are an exceptional Mom. I have a comment regarding the echo. I have a heart baby, and we have been doing non-sedated echo's since birth, he does just fine. When he was little, they just gave him a little sugar water on his paci and there was never a problem. It just takes a little patience from everyone. Don't let them make you feel uncomfortable, you know what is best for your baby. My son is now 4 yrs. and still does great with no sedation.
I just wanted to pass this little bit of information on to you, I hope it makes you feel better.
Stand your ground, God gave us "Mom sense" to make these kind of decisions.
Hugs, to you and your cutie!
Ann Marie-
I just love to see how big your " lil man" is getting. It seems that he is growing leaps and bounds with every picture you post.
Heed the advice in the first comment! I truly believe in "mommy sense". We do know best you know!
Hugs to you and the family,
Yes, I am the dork with no patience hitting the "publish your comment" button five times in a row!
Sorry . . .
I deleted them so it wouldn't be so annoying : )
We've never met, but I just love looking at your blog. He's getting so big!
Rhondi Cissell
Coy looks so big and still as cute as ever! xoxo and miss ya! :o)
Coy's posts brighten my day! He is such an inspiration and a miracle to watch! You and Chris have obviously done such a wonderful job taking care of the little champ. I would love to come visit. I was trying to hold off as long as possible...I know how nerve wracking too many visitors can be, especially when you are trying to protect your little preemie! My love and prayers are with you always!
As the mother of 2 big boys, 18 and 22, your little boy will always be your baby!! It's a wonderful thing!!!
A woman's inner intuition is such a powerful gift given to us, and I'm glad that you stood strong. So often we feel that we should resist, but after listening and talking with you, Ree, all I can say is that you know! Good for you. By the way, Coy is such a picture baby! He is so cute in these!
Coy is so cute, and he's getting so big! Wow! I love reading about him and seeing his pictures.
Mr.Coy you are getting so big! I love to read that you are doing so good!! It makes a Mom's heart feel good :)
ohmygoodness...he doesn't look like a baby anymore Ree. Isn't it so sad when that happens? Just remember that it really only gets better. In a few months you'll be watching him crawl and get into things and be having twice the fun you are now! And then in only a couple short years Chris and Coy will be on the ground wrestling and you'll be telling them to please be careful! Time sure flies...
Missed you last week! Hope to see you soon.
It has been awhile since I've been on the site however a night never goes by without praying for Coy. I am so happy about his progress. He is so darn cute. I can not believe how big he is, Wow!!! What a handsome little man. He seems to be eating better than my 14 month old, she eats a few bites and is done.
You sound so happy. It is truly amazing thinking back from the start and looking at today. God is SO GOOD!!!!!
God Bless your beautiful family!
Washington State
Hey Ann Marie, I just wanted to let you know that when Olivia went for her first echo at TCH they wanted to sedate her but I didn't let them. The echo tech was very frustrated and told me the whole time how much easier it would have been if she was sedated, but she is my baby and I too didn't feel like the sedation was necessary. Just stick to your guns when you feel pressure to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable. He looks fabulous and congrats on all the good news from the doctors!! ~ amy johnson
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