Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

"He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave." Psalm 107:20

A quick update from today....

Coy's urine output has decreased again; he was hardly urinating at all today---so they increased his dopamine dosage---please BEG God for Coy's renal function to regulate; pray that his blood pressure remains stable; pray that Coy is infection free; pray for Coy's comfort level, that he is not in pain; pray for his PDA to remain closed; pray for the fluid to be excreted from him lungs/ body; pray for the doctors and nurses who are taking care of him

Thanks be to God for all he's given to us! He is our true savior! Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with both of you and Coy! We wish you all the blessings, peace and hope of this Christmas season and continually ask for God's blessings on, help with and protection of Coy.

May God Bless you and keep you,
Myron & Christina Arnaud
Matthew's parents

Coolestmommy said...

Merry Christmas!!

Coy is still in my constant thoughts and prayers. I spoke to a lady last night at church whose daughter (now 23) was only 1# 14oz at birth. Did you catch that---she's now TWENTY THREE!! No long term injuries, no Cerebal Palsey, no blindness, no mental retardation. She used to babysit my oldest and graduated with honors. Her mom said to remind you that God is not a respector of persons. If He did it for Natalie, He will do the same for Coy.

I think you have my email from Kathy. I have a whole lot more than will fit into the comment section of the blog. If you send me your email, I'll get it all to you. She had A LOT to say and A LOT of encouragement for me to pass along to you.

Merry Christmas!