Thursday, May 8, 2008

An Inspiration

Here is the blog of a lady who is truly an inspiration to me. Her name is Angie Smith and she is blogging about her sweet baby girl Audrey, who is now an angel in heaven. Her faith is amazing. I thought I would share it with all of you. Just a warning: don't attempt to read at work!

Please keep Coy in your prayers today. We are going in to see Dr. Hittner at 330 to see if he needs treatment for his ROP. It also seems he is developing a cold or something like it. He's a bit stuffy, and he doesn't like the saline drops down his nose! (However, still eating (4 oz!) and saturating good.)


Anonymous said...

I have been hooked on Angie's blog. And you are correct, don't read at work. It's amazing to see God work through her and what an inspiration she is to everyone. I continue to pray that God keeps her strong and I know he will.

Esperanza said...

About the saline drops...Let me tell you that Liam still hates it... but they are really helpful... better that than medication..specially for Coy... and also lot of suction with the small bulb... He'll get through it because the weather is so good now... it would be worst on winter... Also it may be allergies... Anyway, we hope everything is better by now... Still sad for baby McKenzie... very sad...I have no other words. We sent a big hug
Esperanza Orlando & Liam Penaloza

Cherlyn said...

I have been reading her blog as well... what an amazing, tragically beautiful story she has to share...