Sunday, October 18, 2009

pictures and such

Chris gave me a Nikon D60 for Christmas last year and I've been slowly trying to figure the thing out. I took a class last February, but obviously, didn't practice at all while in the hospital. But lately, I've had this obsession with taking good pictures. I love photography and looking at great pics. I'm fascinated and in awe of those amazing photographers who capture things so wonderfully on camera.

My poor kids are my test subjects. What better things to take pictures of though, right? And, the great part about digital photography is it doesn't cost anything to mess up (which I do a lot of)! I know it takes practice to get good at anything, so I've been really trying to make an effort at it. Anyway---here are some of the pictures I took of Coy & Cydney this past week.

Cousin Colby doing his "o" face

A little update on the kiddos...Coy is doing great. We are so proud and thankful of all the things he's doing these days. He's attempting new words all the time and has such a personality. He is still the sweetest big brother and would love (kisses & hugs) his sissy all day if I let him.

Cydney is now 3 months old and 11 lbs 8 oz. She is a girl who loves her milk and becoming more precious by the minute. I love, love, love the little rolls on her arms and legs. She is now smiling and started cooing too! It is so adorable. She also discovered how much fun the bouncy chair can be. I cracked up the first time I saw her so fixated on the flashing lights and kicking her legs all about. What a blessing she is to our family--she is such an answered prayer and we couldn't be more thankful.

We are doing our best at keeping everyone as healthy as possible. Unfortunately, that means staying away from some things and being aware of the health of those we're around. I hate that we can't bring them everywhere right now, but I know our efforts will be worth it. One day, I know we'll be able to let our guard down, but right now we feel its best to stay home as much as possible. We do make an occasional exception at today we had a blast at the pumpkin patch. I'll post those pictures another day.

Thanks for your continued love to our family. We are so beyond blessed.


MtnGirl said...

Such cute pictures with your adorable little subjects! Cydney is precious and I love how Coy is comforting her when she was upset while holding her. Both of your kids are little miracles - I remember reading about Coy when he was born...

Lynsie said...

Your kids are just precious. Cydney is getting so big! And what a wonderful big brother Coy is! Always thinking about your family and praying for them.

Jennifer Haas said...

They are too sweet. It was really great seeing you this weeked. I hope that we can get the kids together and play soon, though I do know that the Flu season is about to start.

Audrey said...

I'm so happy you found my blog! Your family is beautiful!! I love meeting other parents of little 23 weekers! It's great to see that Coy is doing so well! And AMEN on keeping everyone healthy!! We're on strict confinement this winter because Darbi has CLD. We are nuts about sanitizing!

Ashley said...

Gorgeous pics Ree...they are growing too fast!!!

Jessica said...

great pictures! My husband gave me a d60 too...I am still learning how to use it but so far I love it. I am wondering what class you took because I am looking for one to enrol in!

GammySel said...

Cydney is getting so big and round- what a blessing. Too adorable.. I love the hat with the flower!
