Monday, March 3, 2008

Level 2!

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24

Well, Coy made the journey across the hall to Level 2 today. He was moved to an open crib as well (another big hurdle!) So, we packed up all his stuff (hard to believe how much stuff a baby can accumulate in 13 weeks!) and we wheeled him to his new home! He was so content and sucked on his pacifier the whole way (it's not that far), he then fell asleep and didn't wake up til it was almost time to eat. We've already noticed how much quieter Level 2 is; the alarms aren't always ringing, there's not doctors in and out every minute, it's just more peaceful. We're told this is where he should be now--a quiet place to eat and grow. I am excited, but still anxious with our new home. I hope I don't have to get use to it; I am hoping we're home before that!

Since it's a new month, Coy has a new doctor. He also started with his new NPs today. His doctor was talking about "going home" with me today...he said "If he takes all his 8 bottles and continues to gain weight, he will be going home soon..." Although Coy is still on oxygen, new MD thinks its better to be a home and wean off the oxygen there than stay in the hospital to do it. So, that was nice to hear!

Coy is now taking 2 bottles in a row followed by a gavage feeding (through his NG tube). So he will be getting 6 bottles today if he keeps it up tonight! We tried this over the weekend and he became too tired; he handled much better today! I was able to feed him 3 bottles; he did great; only had one brady which was at his 9pm because he got tired on me...

I admit that I am a paranoid mom, but we found out tonight that Coy's neighbor for the past few months (who shared the same nurses!) was diagnosed with the FLU yesterday! My anxiety level was through the roof today! I mean seriously, how does a baby who has never been exposed to the outside world get the FLU? Yeah, so I'm glad we're away from him (he's now in isolation) but scary to think Coy might have been exposed as well! So, the plan to take Coy home ASAP on oxygen works for me!! So far, he's fine; like I said, just paranoia!

Thanks for all your prayers! Some specifics...

  • For Coy to grow stronger by the day

  • For Coy to take all 8 bottles!

  • For Coy to take all 8 bottles effortlessly without any bradys or desats

  • For Coy to poop daily

  • For Coy's eyes to be healed completely!

  • For Coy to maintain his temperature and stay in open crib

  • For Coy to come home ASAP!

We are so grateful to you all! Thanks for praying for our little miracle!

Here's a picture of him on the scale tonight..


Lindsay said...

What an angel! I don't know you, but found a link to your blog on my husband's cousin Nicole Vincent's blog. I've been moved to tears by your faith and courage and will pray for your sweet Coy. God bless! - Lindsay Roberts, Provo, UT

Esperanza said...

We are so happy for you guys... I can understand you feeling paranoia for the other baby...but I know his mom can understand ...
We all are praying... I still can not believe how big Coy is getting by the day... he's being such an inspiration for everybody... we all are very proud of you... it is already march and by the end of this month I am very sure, you are going to be back home with your little peanut... I can not wait to see him next to his 2 little sisters... we are all keep on praying... every day more and more prayers and blessings are coming on Coys way.
We send you a big hug...
Esperanza Orlando & Liam Penaloza

Anonymous said...


Erin said...

He's getting so big...he looks just like a newborn on that scale! What a miracle the last 13 weeks have been. He is SUCH a tough boy and you guys are amazing parents. Congrats Coy on all your milestones...and Chris & Ann Marie, I still pray for all three of you every day!


Amanda said...

Go Coy! You are doing awesome! Chris and Ann Marie, this morning I prayed for you guys to have endurance as you walk through this last stretch in the hospital. I am so excited for you that it may not be long before Coy comes home. Yeah! I pray also that God would shield Coy from that awful flu.

Anonymous said...

I have been watching and praying for Coy's progress from the begining. I am truly amazed at how wonderful and brave Coy is. Please know how lucky Coy is to have such wonderful parents and how inspiring your family is. I will continue to pray for Coy and your family.

Anonymous said...

This is such great news. God is an awesome god. I enjoy reading everyday to see how Coy is doing. It is so cool to seem him grow. I will continue to pray for all of you. God Bless... Shari Cagle

Anonymous said...

Chris and AnneMarie,

That is such incredible news! I pray that Coy will meet all his criteria soon and can go home! That would be so great, huh? Hallelujah!

Todd Kolkhorst said...

congrats! what a huge milestone! let's keep on truckin all the way home!

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute! Go Coy Go!

Life in the Kerlee Household said...

The light at the end of the tunnel (for the NICU day's) is getting brigther and brigther. I am so amazed at how well he is doing with his feeds and I know you'll be home before you know it! It seems like he turned the corner or the light went on and he is ready to come home to be safe and sound with his mommy and daddy! Take care and we'll pray for his continued success. Tracey

Megan said...

Praise the Lord. I am so excited you get to finally hear those words, "Coy and home" in the same sentence. I got the chills while reading your blog. I am in awh of God and what he has done for Coy. I feel so honored that you, Chris and Coy came into my life. I have learned so much from you and my relationship with God is closer than ever thanks to Coy and the faith you have shown us. I hope when Coy goes home you will continue this blog so we can stay up on how he is doing and watch him grow even bigger.
God Bless you three.

Anonymous said...

I work as an RN in a level 3 NICU on the East Coast. I stumbled across this blog doing some research and just felt compelled to tell you how moved I am by your page. When you become so immersed in the world of premies it is nice to be reminded of the raw emotion felt by the families. The joy of taking several bottles, the frustration of having bradys, and yes, even the paranoia of possibly getting the flu. So thank you for taking the time to share. I will be praying for Coy, and for your family.

Holly said...

Yeah Coy! We are so happy to hear he was moved to Level step closer to home. I love reading the updates and seeing his pictures. Thank you for sharing with all of us. We will keep up the prayers.

Holly (Kolkhorst), Paul, Luke, Ella and Aaron Hawryluk

Anonymous said...

I love todays photograph.there is that 4 lb.boy raising his hand in worship again!!Go Coy !!I will pray specifically for all the requests.You are not paranoid about the "flu"or anything else you are a "Mommy".Romans 15:13 says "Now may the God of hope fill you with all with joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hopeby the power of the Holy Spirit" Sleep sound in Jesus precious little Coy.

Steph V said...

AMEN!!! This is so exciting!! I ave tears, chills, and such a silly grin across my face!! What a miracle that sweet one is and what a story (and testimoney) you three will have for the rest of your lives. You all have moved soo many people. I will continue to pray for every sweet inch of that precious one and for you and Chris!! Y'all are getting closer to bringing sweet Coy home and I can only begin to imagine what you must be feeling!!!


Jenny said...

That would scare me too! But we know God is watching over him very closely too. I can't believe how big he is getting and how much he has changed since I started reading your blog.

Have a great day!