Wednesday, February 20, 2008

quick update

Today Coy had his eyes examined by Dr. Hittner; she said they look good and she will continue to monitor him weekly; she said ROP is like a cancer, it can come back---please continue to pray that it doesn't return; that Coy's eyes stay free of disease!

He was working a little harder breathing today, desating more than he did the past two days; please pray that Coy sustains the strength and energy to remain on nasal cannula! Pray that his oxygen requirement stays low!

Thanks for all your prayers...

Here is a picture of Coy without anything on his face....such a cute little grumpy old man =)


Anonymous said...

such a handsome little guy.
he's been on my mind all day.

Anonymous said...

I was checking my computer one last time before I head off to bed. I'm so glad I did because I got to hear of the great report on the eye exam today. And, oh my goodness! You can REALLY see a lot of Chris in that baby with nothing on his face!!! You're still all in my prayers. Love, Vicki

Anonymous said...

love the double chin on a 3 pound plus baby!! great to hear that he is doing well. God does hear prayers.

Ann Glowacki said...

Ann Marie and Chris,

Wonderful news on the eye exam! And what a cutie without all that stuff on his face! I'm sure it feels really good for him to be free of it for a least a little while... We'll keep praying for continued growth and healing... go Coy!


Ann, Shawn, and Jaxson

Jenny said...

I'll keep praying for his eyes. He looks so cute!

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

He's such a handsome guy. Is it just me, or is he looking more and more like Chris? Like father like son.

Esperanza said...

He is just like chris...unbelievable... Ann Marie we are praying a lot... keep your faith... be strong...remember that we are all praying... Coy is strong... he is very strong... Your little peanut is going to be over all soon... Thank you a lot for keeping us updated... you have no idea how much you inspire all of us... All of us sent you a big hug...

Anonymous said...

I just love the little grumpy old man picture!!precious.We are all praying before The Throne of Grace for little Coy and for the specific prayer requests today.Iwill be also praying for God to fill you both with hope for today God bless you all.This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Anonymous said...

He is so cute. Jason and I will keep praying for him.

Shari Cagle

The Garrison's said...

Oh he is so sweet and cute. It takes me back to that crinkly little old man face of my baby! He is just so precious...he does not look like a preemie! Oh we are praying for him and will pray for the healthiest of eyes and that Jesus would continue to knit him together perfectly and flawlessly.

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for you guys. Glad to hear a good report on his eyes. His picture is adorable. He even looks chubby in the picture for a little guy. We will continue to pray for healing of his eye, lungs and heart. Praise God for his wonderful works.

Kim, David, Tanner and Carter Feldhoff

Erin said...

We're praying for his eyes!!!!! And I just LOVE his old man picture :)