I went to the doctor for my follow up visit this week and we were discussing Coy and what happened to me...she gave me her professional opinion, said there is a 25% chance it could happen again with the next pregnancy (God willing there is one) and then she told me, "You just have bad luck." I have pondered on this over the past few days and I've come to the conclusion that I actually have really GOOD luck. Someone who has a great support system, a thriving baby, medical insurance, wonderful HIGHLY trained doctors and nurses to take care of Coy, and a healthy post op condition is VERY lucky. That's me, it's all about your perspective; is the glass half full or is it closer to empty. Is the day going to be good or bad? You decide.
Coy became free of all IVs today! His feeds were increased to 15cc every 3 hours so he no longer needs his IV fluids! Please pray for Coy to continue to digest his milk, that his body will remain free of infection, free of NEC, that he will continue to urinate and poop!
We are in great need of prayers tonight/ today for Coy's lung development!! He had a few bad blood gases last night and was requiring quite a bit of oxygen. The doctors call this "Chronic Lung Disease" and say it can vary in severity. I really don't like the words "chronic" or "disease"; I would like to call it "Lungs that don't work correctly yet because they aren't suppose to for 2.5 more months!" So that being said, Coy is on diuretics to help with his pulmonary edema, however the doctors would like to wean him off the ventilator as soon as possible. To do this, they want to give another 10 day course of Hydrocortisone---Coy responded AWESOME to this medication two weeks ago--the downside of giving the hydrocortisone is there in no real research on long term effects of the drug. In the early 90's they did a study on another steroid, dexamethoasone, which found side effects of increased delayed neurological development. So we would NEVER want to do anything harmful to Coy, but with no long term research there's no way to know...the doctors recommend the steroids, however wanted our opinions first....so many decisions, so many risks....
It is just amazing to us that Coy's body is able to function so well. He wasn't due until March 28th! I was just over half way done baking the little man--his lungs shouldn't be breathing air yet, his kidneys should have to excrete so much fluid, his GI tract shouldn't have to digest breast milk yet...we are absolutely PRAISING GOD that Memorial Hermann NICU exists, that they are able to keep babies like Coy alive, that the amazing doctors and nurses are so dedicated to their jobs...we are thanking God for the people he placed in our lives to help us through this difficult time...we are just PRAISING GOD for each day he allows us to bond with our "little peanut." (He weighs 2lb 1oz!!)
Please continue to pray for Coy's total healing! Please pray with us in agreement that God will continue to cure Coy of any disease in his tiny body! "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven." Matthew 18:19
Unspeakable Joy - 11 months old
14 years ago
Chris and Ann Marie, I can't go to bed each night until I have checked to see how your day has been and what the latest word on Coy is. Thank you for taking the time to share your lives with all of us. I can't begin to understand God's purposes in your situation (His ways and His understandings are MUCH higher than mine), but I believe with all my heart that God's hand has been, is now, and will continue to be on you and your precious child. It doesn't have anything to do with luck, good or bad. This is God's plan and He will see you through. Man (or woman) does not have the final say -- God does! Thank you and God bless you. Sleep well tonight!
what wonderful progress that little guy is making! what a blessing it is that we have the medical technology to help him fight this battle! it's amazing! you have wonderful perspective and such a sweet spirit! God is so good!
I check on you guys every morning with my first cup of coffee! My husband even has been checking in on your little guy! I'm so glad that he is growing and drinking more and more! You're a wonderful mommy. Have a great day and give him a little kiss from all of us, who love him even though we haven't got to physically see him.
Chris and Ann Marie, I do not know you but I want you to know what inspiration you both are to me. You are so positive and so thankful, despite all that you have been through. I admire your strength and just know that I am constantly praying for your little guy.
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